Monday, December 27, 2010

December 2010

December started off by going and picking out our Christmas Tree!

 Decorating is always the most fun part!

 Anderson's Preschool Christmas Party.
 Anderson's friend Madison.   Isn't she a cutie?
  Opening gifts from his classmates.
 Anderson's Class  He has the best teacher and the sweetest class!
 Singing Jingle Bells!
 Colin shocked us all by participating in our church's Christmas play!  He was part of the boy band.
 We decorated our Gingerbread house.

 My Crazy but sweet husband got up at 2:30am to view the lunar eclipse.

  We had sweet friends over to decorate Christmas Cookies!  YUMMY!!!

 We had a blast making graham cracker houses with the Js!  

 Ok so maybe some of us had too much fun!  :)
 We left cookies,chocolate covered strawberry and milk out for Santa.

 The next morning everyone was happy to see that Santa had enjoyed his treats!
 Anderson was up and ready to open stockings at 6:23 AM!!!!!

 Paper hats are always a must at Christmas!

 The Day after Christmas we got SNOW!!!!

 Got to love the sled Grumps made for Colin many years ago!  Check out what the back says!
 Ready... Aim...
 Snow Angels
 Gigy and Anderson working on our snow man!

 Mommy and Daddy working hard to pull the sleds.
 Yeah for SNOW!!!!!!

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