Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Great Summer!

I can not believe we only have a week left of summer vacation!!!  I am not ready for Colin to start 2nd Grade!!!   Below are pictures from some of our adventures this summer!

Anderson & Mrs. Floyd on the last day of preschool.
                                                   Anderson's last swimming lesson. 

                                                        Colin was the Terrific Kid for May in his class.

Colin's Field day at school.
We celebrated Margaret Butler Day in Kinston!  Sev's mom was honored for her MANY years of service to the girl scouts of Lenoir County!  So proud of her!

Play Group trip to the Florence Airport
Colin making pine cone bird feeders.  Anderson thought it was too messy.
July 4th we spent in GA with Hollie, Brandon and Grey.  So much fun to see the cousins playing and having a great time together. 
We visited an awesome miniature petting zoo.  I am still amazed we did not leave with an animal.

Sev, the boys and I got to go see a Braves Game.  It was great!  Braves won!

Who could forget when Spain won the World Cup??  We were lucky enough to watch with friends.  Too bad they were from Holland. 

We went to the SC museum in Columbia with Aunt Phyllis.  Had a great time checking out all the pirate exhibits.

We spent a great week in Emerald Isle this summer!

Our Sand Castle

We did the scavenger hunt at the Maritime Museum in Beaufort.

Both boys got Holes in one playing putt putt! 
We played at Fort Macon.

We spent lots of time at the aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores.

This is Fred the octopus.  We had to go back to the aquarium on our last day, so Anderson could say goodbye to him.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Sev heads out of town and you get BUSY on the blog! Love all the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
